For Buyers

Discover high-quality pharma products

Finding the high quality pharma manufacturing company can be challenging because there are so many pharmaceutical manufacturing firms. You must be certain that you have chosen the best company in terms of reputation, certification, ethical standards, and product delivery.

We help you find high demand & high quality pharma products, connect with qualified manufacturers that might be a good fit, and close the deal.

We work with the best pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers to fulfill your sourcing requirements. We match your needs with the right partner, taking care of all the details to get your products packed and shipped within given timeframe.


Why Join Pharmatradz

On our platform you will find Verified Manufacturers from India and Globe following GMP practices and thus ensure quality products at good price ranges and with timely delivery commitments.

Pharmatradz offer 10000+ pharma products both finished and API through their manufacturer and verified suppliers and new additions and updation done on weekly basis to keep you updated on new and upcoming molecules.

We can supply products both in house and under your artworks as per agreed business term sheet.

Features of Pharmatradz

  • Product Sourcing made easy
  • The largest database to reduce business development marketing cost
  • Buyers can connect with right manufacturer ( Best quality affordable prices )
  • Reduce time-to-contract by finding qualified manufacturers
  • Get information on products and manufacturers
  • Easy access to market High demand products
  • Buyers can search for products, make multiple enquiries, receive commercial offers, negotiate deals and build their portfolio
  • Buyer can search marketplace and investigate competitive situation free of charge
  • Buyer can submit multiple enquires

Subscription Plans :

Starter Plan - No Fees

A buyer can search for products across all marketplace free-of-charge ,Search for high-quality products , Identify niche products with industry-specific filters , put RFQs.

  • Buyers can connect with right manufacturer
  • Get information on products and manufacturers
Regular Plan - 1000 USD per product term sheet signed

A buyer pays a fee after confirming all commercial conditions and signing a 1-page term sheet The plan includes free features +Submit multiple RFQs ,Receive commercial offers , Get connected to the suppliers

  • Access to Verified Database
  • Buyers can connect with right manufacturer
  • Get information on products and manufacturers
Premium Plan - Fees agreed based on project signed off.

Project assignment includes : Product sourcing on behalf of a buyer , Search for defined product suppliers ,Search for differentiated products ,Search for a technology transfer, CMO change , Product (co)development solutions , Dossiers , In and out licensing .

  • Access to Verified Database.
  • Buyer can submit multiple enquires
  • Buyers can search for products, make multiple enquiries, receive commercial offers, negotiate deals and build their portfolio
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